TPR Featured Video: “Tangerine” – Electric Eye

Written By: Chris Parsons


The psychedelic supergroup quartet, Electric Eye, hailing from Norway, have released a brand new music video for “Tangerine” in promotion of their forthcoming, debut album, Pick-up, Lift-off, Space. The highly anticipated full-length album is set for release by their native, Klangkollektivet Records, as well as international distribution supplemented by Fuzz Club Records on April 5, 2013. A few other tracks have already been leaked to preview Electric Eye‘s unique brand of neo-psychedelia and knack for layered, krautrock vamping; at times sparse, and, at other times, heavy with a collage of underlying grooves and ragas with garage rock energy. The album will serve to showcase, for the first time, the talents of seasoned musicians (Oystein Braut, guitarist of The Alexandria Quartet; Njal Clementsen of Bergen noise-rockers, The Megaphonic Thrift and Low Frequency in Stereo; underground studio-guru and guitarist in art-rocker act, Hypertext, Anders Bjelland; and Jazz/Noise/Drone-drummer, Oyvind Hegg-Lunde) that have emerged and grown within Norway’s musical capital, Bergen, finally coming together all in one room!

Really, need we say more? The “Tangerine” music video is as warm and aesthetically pleasing as Electric Eye‘s heady, propulsive sound. There is no plot offered, but rather a seemingly ambient, kaleidoscopic display of a summer roadtrip through a barren, desert landscape. The vision seems to experimentally and sufficiently capture the artistic moods and chemistry of the musicians. The eye candy video manipulation seems to evoke similar vibrations to how one experiences Electric Eye‘s mind-manifesting sound; as the audience, you don’t have to try to experience the art, but are able to just exist, for the sole purpose of soaking in the collage of sensual energy, like a sponge, or the overwhelming sense of a kid in a candy shop.